sive pain on novice traders because of their false beliefs in certainty and significance. The truth of the matter is that the market is unpredictable in an absolute sense, and the market will never provide certainty. The certainty must come from the trader. The market will provide all the variety a trader could desire, so it does meet one of the four primary needs. The market will never provide significance or connection. So of the four primary needs, only one is being met. This is why you as a trader must become aware of the power of your beliefs and change them so that they serve you. |
There are four types of beliefs that people possess. The first type is an opinion. We link low levels of energy to our opinions, and we're relatively certain that we are rightbut we're not absolutely certain. When we have an opinion we will discuss its validity without getting overly upset. The second type of belief is what we normally call a belief. We link low to medium levels of emotional intensity to most of our beliefs. Unlike an opinion, we are absolutely certain that a given belief is valid, and we're close-minded about its validity. If someone challenges our belief and/or its validity, we tend to get upset. The third type of belief is a conviction. A conviction has a high level of emotional intensity linked to it. We are absolutely certain that our conviction is correct, and if our conviction is questioned we immediately get angry and defensive. The fourth type of belief is a rule. We use rules to determine if the virtues, vices, and emotional feelings that we value most are being met. We link a lot of emotional intensity to our rules. We are absolutely certain that they are valid, and we become upset if they are questioned. The important thing to remember about beliefs is that they can either empower or disempower our lives. |
Our beliefs dynamically impact our unconscious mind, our character traits, and the vehicles we use to realize our values. Our beliefs will powerfully influence the quality of the desires, thoughts, and intuitive ideas generated by our unconscious mind. Likewise, our beliefs impact the character traits that we as individuals rely on in our daily lives. Faith, confidence, discipline, courage, persistence, flexibility, integrity, and honesty, are all character traits that we call upon in our daily lives. Our beliefs will determine the language we use with others and with ourselves. Beliefs dictate whether we treat others with love and respect or with anger and hostility. Our beliefs influence how we move our bodies (posture, breathing, laughing). Perhaps most important, our beliefs determine how we obtain and perceive new information. Consequently our behavior is determined by our beliefs. Our behavior is how we express our human emotions and beliefs. The way we behave and interact with the market as traders is determined by the beliefs we possess about the market and our lives. |