Coin tossing experiment, 140, 141 |
Commerz Futures L.L.C., 173 |
Committee, 191-203 |
Commodity trader advisor (CTA), 202 |
Cooper, Nina, 21-32 |
Copy what other traders do, 145, 229 |
Cow analogy, 192 |
Crash Proof Advisors, 214, 217, 218 |
Crimean War, 33 |
Crowd psychology, 25, 26, 209 |
CTA, 202 |
Currency funds, 31 |
Currency market, 29, 30 |
Curve fitting, 150, 196, 197 |
Cybak, Cathy Schwartz, 37 |
Darvas, Nicholas, 120 |
Day-trading, 103, 110-112, 144, 171 |
DBC, 223, 224 |
Defense, 90, 91 |
Deflation, 31 |
Delphi, 202 |
Dennis, Richard, 64 |
Develop your own trading system, 215, 216 |
DiFrancesca, Charles P., 144, 145 |
Digital Enterprises Ltd., 202 |
Dip and rally setup, 157 |
Directional movement index, 42 |
Discipline, 177 |
Disciplined trader, 61 |
Disciplined Trader, The (Douglas), 167 |
Diversification, 29, 198 |
Doubter, 61 |
Douglas, Mark, 167, 168 |
Dual Thrust, 120, 122 |
ECN model, 130 |
Economeister Web site, 142, 143 |
Ehrhart, Larry, 225-228 |
Electronic Communication Network (ECN) model, 130 |
Electronic exchange, 248 |
Electronic trading, 169, 170 |
Elliot Wave theory, 21-32, 53 |
Emini S&P 500 contract, 68, 109 |
Employment report, 189, 190 |
Escape to Freedom, 10 |
Establishment measure of employment, 190 |
Euro, 29-31, 247 |
European traders, 248 |
European Union, 30 |
Exit strategy, 109 |
Experience, 234, 235 |
Eye of the hurricane, 145 |
Factor analysis, 198, 199 |
Fallon, William D., 145 |
False breakout, 87 |
Fear, 5 |