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ART Software Introduction.wmv25.9 M02.05.2014 9:04:23
ART Testimonial Program.wmv22.9 M02.05.2014 9:04:02
ART Trading Signals.wmv177.7 M02.05.2014 9:06:07
ART_Video_2010.mp442.5 M02.05.2014 9:07:00
ART_Video_TS.mp441.6 M02.05.2014 9:08:10
ART_Video_TS2012.mp437.4 M02.05.2014 9:05:31
Opening Website Short Progr.wmv18.1 M02.05.2014 9:03:17
The ART of Trading 2010.mp442.5 M02.05.2014 0:06:49
The ART of Trading.mp441.6 M01.05.2014 23:58:14
traderscoach_training_video.mp427.6 M02.05.2014 9:08:11

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